The History of the Call Center And How Customer Service Got So Annoying

The History of the Call Center And How Customer Service Got So Annoying #LoyaltyManagers
Customer support is a big frustration of the public.

We want to be treated well, we want the human on the other end of the line to correctly pronounce our name, we want them to be friendly even when we're not, and (most importantly) we want our problem solved. Most of the time, we're lucky to get one of these things out of a customer support interaction.

Call centers have grown increasingly sophisticated with time and are in many ways one of the most elaborate operations in a given business.

But unfortunately, they do not follow basic principles.

One of the most important of which, asPeter Theis, the inventor of a number of important telephone-related technologies, including voice mail, says is: "...the focus must be on the communication and not the words that are scripted".

If this basic tenet were to be followed, if the call center operators were not more automated than auttomatic response systems themselves, customer support could achieve what it is actually set up to do,

Source: The History of the Call Center Explains How Customer Service Got So Annoying | Motherboard

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